Avocados from Peru Concludes Unprecedented 2015 Campaign Season as Host of 8th Annual World Avocado Congress in Lima

Peruvian Avocado Commission celebrates growing volume in the U.S.

The cover of the Peruvian Avocado Commission’s digital cookbook, released in 2015

Washington D.C., September 14, 2015 — The Peruvian Avocado Commission (PAC) has closed its 2015 season with more than 100 million pounds of fruit imported into the United States over a three-month period. Since it began importing to the U.S., Peru has become an increasingly important supplier of avocados during the summer peak season.

Much of the success of the 2015 season can be attributed to the innovative promotional campaign that combined a number of first-in-category events and programs.

“From coast to coast we worked with top retailers, influencers, and partnered with a number of successful brands to get Avocados from Peru on the minds and plates of consumers across the country,” said Xavier Equihua, CEO and President of PAC. “We are especially grateful for the support of the retail trade who have recognized and promoted the quality of Avocados from Peru.”

One strategic element of the 2015 multi-faceted and multi-media marketing campaign was the support of a social media campaign that was designed to drive engagement and focus on quality content across multiple channels.

The brand’s social media strategy made a strong impression with consumers and had a measurable impact on brand awareness with millions of impressions.

PAC flourished in digital content creation and distribution during the 2015 season with a digital cookbook that is available as a free download in Apple’s iBook Store and on the brand’s Facebook page. The book in hard-copy format will also be available in limited amounts and distributed to attendees of the 8th Annual World Avocado Congress (WAC). Additionally, PAC also released new editions of AVOMAG, the first-in-category online magazine focusing on exciting news from the world of avocados.

Throughout the season, PAC partnered with thoughtfully selected Flavor Ambassadors who embody the brand and messaging to drive strategic PR initiatives with significant impact. Flavor Ambassadors for the 2015 program included Chef Martin Morales, chef-proprietor of London’s Andina and Ceviche restaurants; and Washington D.C.’s Peruvian Brothers, who operate a renowned food truck.

The primary goals of PAC’s 2015 marketing program were to reinforce consumer awareness of the flavor and nutrition found in Avocados from Peru and to support retailers during the peak summer season.

Highlights of the 2015 Season include:

  • A kick-off event on board the USS Cole that was captured in a segment that aired on more than 100 television stations across the country and reached millions of viewers.
  • Co-sponsorship of the Smithsonian Institute’s 49th Annual Folklife Festival featuring custom dishes from the Peruvian Brothers, culinary duo and operators of one of D.C.’s top-rated food trucks, that marked the first time avocados from any country were served on the National Mall.
  • A focused media tour in New York City with top London Chef Martin Morales visiting elite culinary and media establishments.
  • For the first time in the category, PAC sponsored free avocado topping in New York City at Citi Field in honor of National Hot Dog Day.
  • Release of video capsules about the perfect growing conditions of Peru, the country’s culturally rich heritage, and the industry’s deep commitment to social responsibility and sustainability.
  • A robust sampling program of fresh Avocados from Peru in 1,600 Walmart locations and more than half of the nation’s Costco stores during the summer season. In addition, Costco is currently promoting the PAC e-cookbook via their facebook page, which has more than 1 million followers.

To bookend the successful 2015 season, the Peruvian Avocado Commission will host more than 1,000 international attendees at the the 8th Annual WAC in Lima September 13-18. One of the highlights of the congress is a Scientific Program focusing on health and human nutrition and updated information regarding agricultural management, production and commercialization. The Congress will also include research presentations of scientific, marketing and commercial subjects from all parts of the world that influence the future of the industry.

Additionally, this October, PAC will support a brand new pavilion at the Produce Marketing Association taking place in Atlanta and featuring the first 8×16 jumbotron display in the history of the event.

The marketing efforts of PAC reflect the organization’s commitment to supplying the U.S. with top-quality fruit during the summer season while building relationships with consumers and retailers to educate the public about the health benefits of Peruvian Avocados.

To download a free copy of the Avocados from Peru Cookbook, simply click here.

You can also access more images from the Peruvian Avocado Commission on their website.


The Peruvian Avocado Commission (PAC) is headquartered in Washington, D.C. It was established in 2011 to increase the consumption/demand for Avocados from Peru through advertising, retail promotion and public relations. The PAC’s promotional activities are conducted under the guidelines of the Federal Promotion Program for Hass Avocados which is under the oversight of the U.S. Department of Agriculture. For more information about the PAC please visit www.avocadosfromperu.com or email info@avocadosfromperu.com.

Media Contact:

Emily Nordee, PR Director
805-963-5841 x 218